Curriculum Vitae - How to prepare a Curriculum Vitae (CV) for your MS in Australia
Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a unique brochure that gives a snapshot of all your milestones and achievements. A Curriculum Vitae is different from a resume in the sense that a resume focuses more on the professional aspects whereas a Curriculum Vitae for postgraduate studies is more academic-focused. Read on to know how you can create a perfect Curriculum Vitae from scratch.
Typical time required: 2-3 days
Before You Start
- Get all your academic certificates, records, achievements, mark cards ans medals in one place before you start with your Curriculum Vitae in order to avoid forgetting any relevant information.
- See what kind of candidate your target university hopes to attract. You can go through the course details, research on the courses and professor portfolios for an idea of what is expected of you. For instance, if you are applying for a master’s program in Mechanical Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, you might want to mention that internship at Mercedes in your CV.
A golden rule for Curriculum Vitae’s is to focus more on the academic accomplishments over the professional ones. Professional involvements and achievements are also essential, but make sure to shine a light on your academic accomplishments.
Reference Documents
- All your essential academic and extra-curricular accomplishment certificates.
- Your language certificates, patents, work experience certificates and training certificates, if any
- Details of your undergraduate final year project or thesis.
Step by step Guide on how to prepare your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Think twice if you want to craft your Curriculum Vitae (CV) from the beginning or simply improve your existing CV. Decide if you are going to work on an online readymade template or have it custom made on your PC.
- Include your personal details. Include or exclude some subsections to suit your academic and professional profile. Match the information to your target university requirements.
- Have the entire document fit in one or two pages.
- Verify all the details you have entered, once you have finished drafting. Save the CV in the original word format and as a PDF file.
Useful Tips
- Your Curriculum Vitae should be restricted to two (A4) pages.
- The Admission Committee will spend only 2 to 3 minutes maximum in going through your Curriculum Vitae, so ensure that it is presented in an attractive manner, grammatically correct and easy to read.
- Mention the timeline of the different events in a chronological order with the most recent experiences first.