LOR Writing Preferences Company First Name * ENTER YOUR E-MAIL: * BACHELOR'S DEGREE UNIVERSITY * Last Name * Phone Number * BACHELOR'S DEGREE DETAILS * ACADEMIC REFEREE 1 (RECOMMENDER) DETAILS Please do not share your personal views on the professor. Please provide details on what the professor thinks of you. Referee 1 Name * Referee 1 E-mail * Referee 1 Designation * Referee 1 Phone Number * Referee 1 Institute Name & Place * Subjects covered by the Referee 1 (during which semester) * Classroom Interaction description * Interaction in LAB if handled any * Any particular incidents with the referee that you wish to highlight? * Interaction with the Referee during the project (if any) * Project Title: * Description * What does your recommender think about you (positive views) * Details of Departmental Activities under Referee 1 guidance: Add another Academic Recommender Add another Academic Recommender PROFESSIONAL REFEREE 1 (RECOMMENDER) DETAILS Work Referee 1 Name * Work Referee 1 E-mail * Work Referee 1 Designation * Work Referee 1 Phone Number * Organisation Name & Place * Your Designation * Your Role and Responsibilities * Relationship/Professional Interaction description * Details of achievements/awards or specific contributions to the organisation. * Time period of Association * Skills acquired in your Professional Role * Details of Project pursued under Referee guidance * Project Title * Description * What does your recommender think about you (Work Referee)? * Add another Company Recommender Add another Company Recommender